Russell Peake (Electus)
Interview by Woody
‘Rock N Roll Incarnate part one’ is the second Electus album, but for those yet to discover you, can you tell us a little about the band’s formation and its original musical aims?
I've been in many bands over the years and decided to concentrate on acoustic shows to develop as a songwriter, by around 2010 I got the “Itch” back to be in a touring band again, but this time on my terms, with focus & conviction, with the aim to play around the world pure and simple Hard Rock unvarnished, as interpreted by ELECTUS! The songs were getting great feedback on an acoustic level, so I started recording the first 9 songs for the ELECTUS debut studio album “The Dark”. Then the search began for the right musicians, Dan Smith on Bass Guitar was the first on board.
You are the principal song writer and you have a unique sound, who are your influences and what is your own personal design for the sound of Electus?
I've always loved the 70s, 80s, 90s rock guitar sound, when we add the second guitars of Pete Checkley, who generally goes for a crisper tone these days, you kind of get close to the sound of ELECTUS, the song’s start with a melody I come up with and build the song from there. I was in the school choir as a kid, however I'm no David Coverdale, & rightly so. My influences musically are far & wide; however, KISS is the reason I picked up the Bass Guitar originally, I'm a lover of great music whatever the genre, currently though my turntable has the pleasure of Opeth, Vinnie Vincent, Von Hertzen Bros, Steven Wilson, & Monster Truck.
So, with this album been part one, does this mean part two will be released hot on its heels and will it have a connection to this album?
Sure, it may do, but I’m not tied to the idea, with this album I wanted to explore my influences a little more and not be boxed into a specific genre, it's all rock & roll from where ELECTUS is today, from our perspective and you're all invited to come and join in the fun.
Can you tell us about a few of the songs on ‘Rock N Roll Incarnate’ any meanings or stories behind the songs you think people will be interested in?
lyrically the songs revolve around relationships, good or bad, the first single & video “Ticket to nowhere” aims to take control of one's life, sometimes we can feel like we're living in Groundhog Day. Our 2nd single “Saved” is a classic rock anthem saluting the fallen rock stars of our generation, 2016 took a lot of great musical artists from us so I had to make comment. “Freak out” is based around an alien orgasmatron delivered to us on earth, unfortunately another alien who happened to be on our planet was incognito as a human at the time, and so the humans never got to try out the machine of pleasure. (Maybe there’s a B movie there somewhere).
Having seen Electus live a couple of time I know how well your songs come across live, when you’re writing and evolving songs is this a factor you push for?
Most definitely, I’ve always liked a good riff, to stomp to, along with a melody that plays on your mind. our songs have a classic formula verse, chorus, guitar break etc. The addition of a visual element, to give an added perspective helps the whole live experience, were fortunate people leave our shows with something to talk about and hopefully feel like they were entertained.
I know you’ve got a show lined up at The Robin in Bilston on the 5th July, but do you have any other shows in the works you can tell us about?
We are currently working on a UK tour in the summer and we are going to be touring with a few bands as part of something very special, touching base in Wales, Scotland, England, North & South, plus Winterfest 2017 in Coventry, Dementia Aware festival at the Roadhouse in Birmingham April 30th, where we will be doing an acoustic set. Plus, we will be doing a couple of dates in the USA & Europe. the dates should be confirmed by the time everybody reads this interview, so I would definitely check out our web page for details.
What does the future hold for Electus?
we have a couple of promo videos to complete, for “Ticket to Nowhere”, “Saved” & “Slip Away”, as well as the touring, while we promote ELECTUS across the world, we will also be prepping for our 3rd album for a late 2017 early 2018 release, so more music, more touring as far & wide as possible, stick it up the flagpole and see who salutes it as they say.
As an underground band working hard to break out are there any bands in the underground scene you feel we should keep an ear out for?
there are so many, I make a point of checking out bands from all over whenever possible, all genres, as for bands we've had the honour of playing alongside check out - Tyrannosaurus Nebulus, Ghost of Machines, Edenfalls, Novacrow, Splintered Halo, Daxx & Roxane to name a few.
Is there anything else you would like to add or say to Fireworks readers?
Thank YOU for listening, & your support, the fans are everything, so if you still like your music with a “Back to basics” kind of feel, checkout R&R Incarnate Part One, then come and see us live, there’s a hook or two for most lovers of this beautiful genre of music we all know and love.