Tragik – ‘Ultima Ratio’

(Rock Company)

I’ve been singing the praises of Phil Vincent for years now, whether you get his music or not there is no denying the fact he pumps out consistently good quality music for those who do get his music to enjoy. So, it’s really no surprise I say again with his latest Tragik album ‘Ultima Ratio’ he has once more created a highly enjoyable collection of melodic hard rock. If you’re already fan then this album will please you and I obviously recommend it to all MHR fans in general!

With ‘Ultima Ratio’ I definitely think Vincent is pushing a ballsier and heavier approach to his songs. There’s a real in your face punch to many of these songs especially in the guitars, opening cut ‘Hunter’ is a great example of this. I have known Vincent to be very experimental and varied on his albums with this though he is definitely pushing a singular tone and theme – he is definitely deep into his Dokken song writing handbook on this one.

After the opening one two punch of ‘Hunter’ and the swaggering blues flavoured ‘Wet Dog’ Vincent throws a curveball with an instrumental as the third track! It’s extremely unusual to place an instrumental like this so early in an album (intro’s aside) but Vincent makes it work! ‘The Last Resort’ Is a beautifully performed piece and it’s a real highlight of the album, close to been my favourite song on the album. This is a brave move and shows again Vincent is never afraid to mix it up.

Once again given the strength of the album it’s hard to pick highlights but it’s probably the ballad ‘All I Have Left’ which I talk about the most. This piano ballad is emotive, memorable and heart wrenching, how I feel right now I’d argue it’s the best ballad Vincent has ever written and recorded.

It may be a ballad I’ve highlighted but this album is a full-on rocker with tons of energy and chunky guitar riffs straight out of Dokken school! There are a few tunes which really show Vincent mixing the blues into his song writing the most obvious example is ‘Wet Dog’ but you do hear some of that blues energy elsewhere too.

Another strong and enjoyable album from Phil Vincent which I’ve thoroughly enjoyed and its with a big smile I add Tragik’s ‘Ultima Ratio’ to my ever-expanding Phil Vincent collection!


Essential Track - 'All I Have Left'

Review by Woody

Track List -

  1. Hunter

  2. Wet Dog

  3. The Last Resort

  4. Out On A Limb

  5. One Last Time

  6. Seeds of the Sky

  7. Piece By Piece

  8. All I Have Left

  9. Requiem

  10. Hope